Children love making their own decisions, from the friends they make to the clothes they wear. But, with some parents preferring to dress their children for years, perhaps it’s time to let them take the reins. Here, Steve Cochrane, Managing Director of Childrenswardrobe discusses some of the benefits that come from letting your children choose their own clothes.
When is the right time to let your children pick out their own clothes? It’s a question that everyone has a different answer to, but it might be a good idea to start as early as you can.
Although picking out clothes for your child can often seem like the best option — you know what’s appropriate for the season and the occasion — letting your kids pick out their own outfits can aid with their development and have many more advantages. Below, I’ll be going through just some of the benefits of letting your children pick out their own clothes.
It can boost their self esteem
We develop our own sense of self at an early age, so it’s only natural for your little ones to want to showcase their personality with their clothing. When shopping for a new outfit, your children are more likely to pick out something that they feel matches up to their own identity. Encourage them to do this, as it can help them to become confident with who they are and can boost their self-esteem. This is especially important in the later stages of childhood and early adolescence, as this is the time in their lives when they’re most likely to be experimenting to find their own identity. You might even be surprised when they choose something you never would have picked out for them.
They can develop their own opinions
Not only will letting your kids pick out their clothing help them to develop their own personality, but it can also ensure they’re wearing clothes they feel comfortable in. Maybe they’ve felt that their clothing in the past didn’t quite suit their personality, so they didn’t feel comfortable wearing it. Or maybe they just don’t like the way a particular material feels on their skin. Allowing them to choose their own pieces means you’re letting them be vocal about what they like and don’t like, which can help them to develop their own confidence in their decisions.
You’re giving them some freedom
The older children get, the more freedom they’re going to want, but it can be scary handing over certain responsibilities as your baby grows up. That’s why it’s a good idea to give them small amounts of freedom gradually. Letting them choose their own clothes early on means you can have more confidence in their choices as they age, and they’ll feel that you respect their freedom and trust their decisions more.
They will learn how to make decisions
We know that leaving the house wearing shorts in the middle of winter isn’t a good idea, but it’s important that children see the consequences of their actions. Learning through experience is often a lot more effective than simply being told something will happen, so give them the freedom to make their own outfit choices. If it’s raining outside and they don’t want to wear a coat, don’t stress too much, let them make that choice and carry the coat instead. They’ll soon figure out that they’ll be a lot more comfortable with their raincoat on, and they’ll make the decision to wear it in the future.
It’s easier for you
The morning routine can often be filled with tears and tantrums. Plus, children seem to take forever to get dressed, which isn’t ideal when you’re in a rush to get out each morning. But, if your kids have chosen their own clothes, your morning routine can be just that little bit easier. You’ll know that they’re going to want to wear the outfit they’ve picked out, so you can relax each morning knowing you’re going to have less fussing while the kids are getting dressed.
Clothes shopping will be easier, too. If you come home with something you’ve picked out for them, there’s every chance that they’re not going to like it, and it’ll just end up at the back of the wardrobe never worn. But, if you let them choose their own clothing, you can almost guarantee that they’ll wear it often.
Letting your children choose their own clothing can really help to boost their self-esteem, develop their own identity and responsibility, and it can make those busy mornings just that little bit easier. But it might be a good idea to advise them against the dinosaur costume for a wedding!